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Aslan Karatsev’s Tennis Racket

Aslan Karatsev went from an average Challenger player to a top player on the ATP Tour in one (!) year. There are not many players on tour that can achieve so much power with almost no effort.

Here’s what racket the Russian tennis star plays with:

Aslan Karatsev plays with the Head Graphene 360 Prestige MP and his string setup consists of Head Hawk 1.25.

RacketStringsPaint Job
Head Graphene 360 Prestige MPHead Hawk 1.25Head Graphene 360 Prestige MP

Aslan Karatsev – Racket Specs

Aslan Karatsev’s racket has the following specs:

Head Graphene 360 Prestige MPSpecs
Head Size98 sq. in
Length27 inches
Balance7pts Head Light
Weight11.9 oz (337g)
String Pattern18×20

Can You Buy Karatsev’s Racket?

The Russian powerhouse Aslan Karatsev’s racket is available to buy. There are several different versions of his racket, but if you want to get the version that Karatsev plays with, you can check it out here on Amazon.