When I started playing tennis a few years ago, I had no idea what tennis racket to buy. I went to my local sports shop and just grabbed a blue and black one with a ‘W’ in the middle of the string pattern! It just happened to be a Wilson Ultra 105 racket, and I …
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Every tennis player’s dream is to start up their own tennis academy after retirement. Nadal is one of many examples who have done this, but, you don’t need to be one of the greatest players of all time to start an academy. So what does it take to start up and run a successful tennis …
“Life is like a game of tennis; the player who serves well seldom loses” Ok so this quote is a bit philosophical, but having a good serve is crucial to becoming a successful tennis player. In fact, it really is the most important shot in tennis. As the server, you get to choose where to …
There are many reasons why tennis is a great sport to play, but there are also some downsides, particularly on the toll it can take on your body if you are not in the best shape physically. I thought for this blog post, I would look at the sport in more detail, as well as …